Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Leisure Time & Space

My formula of success has set at last. I am now calm & serene. The God in me is pleased. There's a lot of place for godly creativeness left in me. In a way, the ideal state of any successful man. Now I've theorotically everything needed to lead a successful life. This is the theorotically successful life.
Going through the formula of success, the one thing I've found is- even after successfully implementing the daily business, there remains the lot of time & space for me. This time & space can be used for pleasurable things like singing, dancing, chatting, drinking, flirting, painting, reading novels, watching TV, helping others or making their lives inspite of mine, travelling, visiting various types of peoples & places or at least just being idle.
But I should give this leisure time & space for my future planning & preparation. Then only I can reach upto the top of the world. I shouldn't go in such short & temporary euphoria!

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