Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Twice born

Twice born or 'dweeja' was the term used for the brahmins in earlier times. My second childhood has started today. First childhood was of training or 'samskara'. It's the universal childhood with wisdom. It's the universal living (the life) with wisdom. I am going to enjoy this life as it's universal. And those beautiful days of golden childhood has begun once more.
Though the childhood brings more enjoyment but it also ought to undergo 'samskara'. I should become the smartest child same as that I was during the first childhood.
During the first childhood period, the goal was becoming the universal(child). And as the second life has begun, the goal is to become the universal man. I have to do is keep the flame burning all the while in any types of ups & downs. The target will be completed very soon. Have to speed up by keeping the right rythm & pace in order overtake & go beyond the rest of the band members who are running ahead of me.

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