Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Maturity & Creativity

I don't feel energetic enough. The thing which has happened to me in this phase of life is maturity. I was trying though, not much hard, to become a mature person. I wonder if maturity has some or complete death in it! On the other hand, I needed this so-called maturity, to support the innocent creative lifestyle of mine.And consequently got the universal maturity. Such type of the universal maturity is called- The Budhatva! The Budhatva is not a rare thing to happen in me only & not in others. Actually, there're many more. Everybody has to limit his Budhatva who wants to lead the material life! Thus the limits are set. Maturity if taken as Budhatva becomes the highest creative thing itself! And the creativity is an endless process though the man goes beyond the time.....

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