Friday, September 23, 2011

universal role-model life

The life I'm leading these days is an universal role-model in a small hinterland place. I've to continue only these outer & inner features for rest of the life. The pattern of beats of the heart, the mindset, the move, the speech & the smile( with a little bit reform as the occasions demand ). Thank God, you've given me the formula of life & the place to experiment it.
I've just to apply this later in larger scales!


You must have your own agenda for leading the life. It must be profound, perfect & unique. And the ideas very clear not the vague one. Once the agenda has been set, you go on conquering. Beware of over-valuation. No doubt one is the prince but a self-made prince. I've to create the empire right from zero. I've read somewhere that- some people are destroyed by their first failure, some people are destroyed by their first major success. So, you must've success in small amounts being able to be successful. I've to maintain the highest sensitivity as in 'Jainism' or 'Zoroastrianism', the karma as in 'Buddhism', the wisdom as in 'Hinduism', & the service as in 'christianism'. Besides, I am leading a worldly life. I must become a man who enjoys all the worldly pleasures walking through righteous paths. Should remain 'Sthitahpradnya'.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Twice born

Twice born or 'dweeja' was the term used for the brahmins in earlier times. My second childhood has started today. First childhood was of training or 'samskara'. It's the universal childhood with wisdom. It's the universal living (the life) with wisdom. I am going to enjoy this life as it's universal. And those beautiful days of golden childhood has begun once more.
Though the childhood brings more enjoyment but it also ought to undergo 'samskara'. I should become the smartest child same as that I was during the first childhood.
During the first childhood period, the goal was becoming the universal(child). And as the second life has begun, the goal is to become the universal man. I have to do is keep the flame burning all the while in any types of ups & downs. The target will be completed very soon. Have to speed up by keeping the right rythm & pace in order overtake & go beyond the rest of the band members who are running ahead of me.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Maturity & Creativity

I don't feel energetic enough. The thing which has happened to me in this phase of life is maturity. I was trying though, not much hard, to become a mature person. I wonder if maturity has some or complete death in it! On the other hand, I needed this so-called maturity, to support the innocent creative lifestyle of mine.And consequently got the universal maturity. Such type of the universal maturity is called- The Budhatva! The Budhatva is not a rare thing to happen in me only & not in others. Actually, there're many more. Everybody has to limit his Budhatva who wants to lead the material life! Thus the limits are set. Maturity if taken as Budhatva becomes the highest creative thing itself! And the creativity is an endless process though the man goes beyond the time.....

The Free Man

Today I've become the totally free man. Free from literally eveything. Freedom, the rarest thing to happen in anyone's life. Now I am able to walk the path of my dreams. I've raised myself upto the freedom.

Monday, September 19, 2011

While Thinking The Big

The chief problem with me or the chief mistake I usually make is- I think big & get lost in that big only. I don't take the nearer things or people seriously enough. I don't consider it much important. I must concentrate on the smaller & nearer things while still thinking the big.

The Most Powerful

The man who works from the lowest to the highest, the man who leads his life with the help of the self created but the formulae of the success, he is the most powerful & can achieve what he desires. There are so many examples in the history of mankind & even in the present days. So the fortune is great for me!

The Place Of Peace

I should find the serene place to live for myself. I'll adorn the place according to my convenience at least. It's the immediate need. The place will give me peace & I'll lead the successful life. So there will not remain the need to find peace in another's place on account of the piece of my life. And from that place I'll operate my successful life!

The Grand Play

Is there any reason for the life? And the answer is, NO! The greatest Hindu philosoohy & the greatest scientists ever produced by the western society, are telling that there is only the play, though the grand play. The play with the rules as any other, resulting in nothing. There are no any winners or loosers. There are no any umpire or spectators. There are only the players, the play with the rules & the universe as the ground. The end-less thing with no any definite start. This is the Absolute, The Existence, The God! And there is no any reason or the ultimate glorious task to do for the life. As I'm a part of the life, only thing I've to do is reach on the top of the lives while living the worldly life.

The Grand Task & Reason

Now, the work I've to do is find a woman who can create a great lot, then plan for work allotted by the God & complete the glorious task which is the ultimate reason behind the creation of life! Nobody can tell what the ultimate glorious task is like. That's why, may be, on reaching on top of the worldly glorious life only I could see or understand what the grand reason is or whether there's any task to do for me!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


As I've already achieved the Absolute, the only work have to do is give life to the woman in my life & can give more than any other competitor in the return of the wordly pleasure. Thus without mingling in relatively small worldly pleasures, I can demand for the greatest worldly pleasure from a woman. For that, the woman has to be the most superior in her every aspect!

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Man, The Woman & The Existence

At the highest point of struggle for existence, all of your creativity fades away & the only thing remains is 'Death'. Death of all the things merging in the Existence, merging in the absolute & merging in the God. Creativity is the feminine character & death is the musculine. That's why the distance between the man & the God is small. The superior men finishes this distance & achieve the absolute & becomes the God. The fertile & creative woman emerges from the Existence, from the God. The Existence delivered the woman & the woman had given birth to the man. And the man merges back in the Existence. Thus the cycle completes. The work the Existence has to do is give birth & life to the woman to create! The work the woman has to do is create plus give death to the man so that he can achieve the absolute! The work the man has to do is merge in the Existence & give birth & life to the woman!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Tour Of Creativity

I am on the tour of once lost creativity in my personality. No doubt, basically I am the creative person. In order to cross the line between ordinary to enlightened to worldly, had set this creativity aside for some time being. As a result of this, I had become a weak person. At last the non-creative phase has passed out! I am on the tour of creativity once again, keeoing in mind now the ultimate 'deadly' consequence of life! The enlightened worldly life has begun!
The time of dynamic actions has started now. I had attained the spiritual peace much earlier. The music of success & the dance of glory has begun!

Motivation,Volition and Performance

Today morning I read a management mantra. It was thus- Motivation + Volition = Performance. Where motivation is an extrinsic thing needed to achieve a great & volition is an intrinsic thing. Volition is the same that I've started writting this diary.

The Guru Of The World

India is about to become the Brahmin or Guru of this world. She has complete spirituality & the vedanta philosophy. I should also be prepared with the help of this. This is the path & the goal of my journey of life.

The Period Of Transformation

The oldy-goldy social structure of our Indian society has gone under the process of profound transformation right from its roots. There's total unstability everywhere. The new morality, rules & regulations are yet to be set. In such a scenario, for the young man like me, the most important thing to do is to remain free. There's no any guiding star for me. I've to create the goodness, virtue required on my own. The stock of the goodness, virtue received from the past social structure has gone out of storage for me. And from now onwards I'm going to get it directly from God. Not from the society. I've faith in God & my super-plan. I'm going to believe in God, receive his grace & act according to the super-plan.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Greatest Sensitivity

There're so many people who are enlightened & who've achieved a great! Some part of the mankind is definitely enlightened. Though they are unaware of this & maximum of them have gained this through continuous trial & error process over their generations, eventually suffering less. Comparatively; gaining the same in mere one or two generations, is the type of mine. I've to be the highest sensitive man to keep the pace with the march towards glory. No problem! I used to be sensitive enough in the earlier life. The sensitivity must be the greatest!

The Universal Identity

I've discovered my own identity; moreover totally created my own identity. It's universal with literally no limits. As it's universal with no any limits, I can go as far as I want ...and create whatever dream of. ......I am smiling_____The Divine Innocent Smile...!

Material Spiritualism

Upto these moments, it was the journey of knowing the world & nothing else. The journey of knowing the life & nothing else. It was the tour for knowledge. Now, the tour has come to its end. Yes, it is the successful tour. Once more time I am listening to the eternal & innocent music of life. I've to start the life anew from today onwards on the tunes of this eternally innocent music of life! As it was a tour for mere knowledge I've gained nothing except knowledge, which I've to from now. I am ready to lead the material life! Vedic view underlines the ' MATERIAL SPIRITUALISM ' !

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

MODUS OPERANDI or COMPLETE PERSONALITY ^ |Universal Personality | |Local Businessman Per- |sonality l lA Pious Man | @A Natural Being | |Bindaas Personality | ~

Prevent Euphoria

Most of the men trying to climb the socio-economic ladder, understands well the theory how to climb. But once they've perfected in theory, go in euphoric zoom. And soon after, they give up the task in hand, without the final victorious march & thus skipping the flag wavering ceremony. As a result, they merely live upto the theorotical part & drop the actual living the raised class of life. Or they only sneak into the upper class, come backward & declare or pretend the mass behind to be the man of that upper class. One is going to actually live the climbed classes. One'll not dread a bit, because one's that much courage.

In No Time

In no time I've to elevate myself to the soul of the world & continue to live upto that. I'm going to declare myself the man in the pursuate of his dreams.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I Shall Remain Nothing

No matter what was the thing which instilled in me the immense craving for the glorious life. The thing that's true is that I deliberately crave for a glorious & lavish life & if I give up, I'll remain nothing. So I've to be very much true to myself. I've to take the decisions of life, considering this all as a prime point.


Any human being- it may be man or woman consists of equal characters of each other. According to Hindu mythology, the being thus evolved is an Ardha-nari-nateshwara. And according to Osho, when the feminine/musculine characters in a woman/man developes to its fullest, then the woman/man has achieved the Budhatva.
There's a fully grown female in my personality which acquires about half of the space.
Literacy of this woman in me??? The feminity is the universally natural thing. It's neither educated nor uneducated, neither rural nor urban. The only truth is that it's 'Just Is'.
Should prevent it from contamination. It must remain all the time just as it is. Very natural.
And I'll conquer the world!

Friday, September 09, 2011

No One Can...

No one can limit, resist, or set you back. The problem lies in you only. Else, everyone will want to be the part of the walking of a man towards glory.
Everyone is a child of the God just as me. Though I am one of the most beloved children. That's because I obeys His rules. I know straying means becoming the wild child which is punished.
This is the start of my enlightened life. I mustn't bear even a single stain on this life. I mustn't indulge in the worldly behaviour. I must keep the life very clean, if possible glittering.
So, no one can limit, resist or set you back. The problem lies in you only. You've to keep your mind punctual, your path towards glory very much in sight.


Now, I'm the man with the soul of the world, the absolute part of the existence.
I mustn't ignore the blessings bestowed upon me by the existence. Coz blessings ignored becomes curse!

Monday, September 05, 2011

Superior Lifestyle

If one as like me has to be successful & that too, started from nearly zero point, has to work & work & work only. Joy, happiness of life? It's in achieving the things each moment. It's superior lifestyle. Then I am exceptional, also!

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Ordinary Trance

Shouldn't account any signorita because of her beauty, charm, glamour or sexiness but it should be accounted on the basis of the man immediate to her & the situation she dwells in her major part of life. Shouldn't go in trance because of any attractive signorita. Very much controlled, acting !

Leading The Successful Life

You must've your very own agenda,your very own plan, your very own courage, if you're planning to lead the successful life. The rest of the things like the elderly experienced people, society as a whole & the culture evolved out of civiization are mere supporting apparatuses which can be used & at the same time aren't, totally reliable.

Enrich The Life

As anybody else, no matter how great, is a poor mortal on this earth. He's to live the very life, obeying its rules. In that way, life takes the centre thing. Everybody has to follow its principles. If one is enriching his life, there should not be asked the question-' how ?' I'm merely following the eternal principle and that too with superiority. The most graceful thing in the universe therefore it is.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Soulmate Signorita

As the business of my life has come across the considerable milestone , one of the parts of it will be signoritas. Now I've to open that wing of business whose only objective will be dealing with signoritas. Should carry the chores cold bloodedly untill I succeed in meeting with my true soulmate.

Sacred And Beloved Diary

To judge the exact state of my mind , my abilities , my horizons , I've to write in this beloved & sacred diary. There is probably no any method to judge myself. Without the diary , I'll overvalue or undervalue myself or may go in euphoria or depression or may give up my all the things out of helplessness. At last I've found my true , beloved & sacred friend.
No any worldly thing is more important than following my own destiny & dreams through this diary.

Person Of Faiths

I've to become myself the person of faiths. A person who has his faith in God, dreams being come true & the soul of the world. Then one can conquer the world with the help of the universal language which is spoken & written without words.
I should've faith, respect & love towards the existence.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Rules And Limitations

A thought that so called hierarchial people go smoothly floating over the ups & downs of life .....they are unable to go out of their lineage's rules & limitations .....I am the rules & limitations maker of my life .....they've to do their homework regularly to continue to be successful so should I've to write the diary & prepare for everyday.

Roam Around

Now, I should roam around, with the help of intellect & wisdom, gained. I should go face to face with the consequences of the life with the help of the same. Shedding the medieval fighting strategy.

Benefits Of Diary

Though it's very much personal & at times can prove disturbing, the only way to live life from this moment onwards is to continue writting in this diary.
.. Benefits ?
1 As I can't afford nonsenses any more, it'll help.
2 Will prevent me from going in any euphoric state.
3 Will act as an anchor for my dear life's ship.
4 Can get detached quickly from it.
..... That's all.

Thursday, September 01, 2011


There must be any easy solution of remaining in such a state of mind & action of mine as I was during the RMOship period. I've to revive that solution , it's desperately needed at present. My life may not spare more time.

Rich Things

I've the ultimate truth/intellectual thought. Then I've to simply stay stick to that only. May not any other earthly rich things I possess or acquire , I've this greatest thing which a very rare person has. So , there's nothing to be panic for me !