Now the personality is made up like this -The white collared, sensitive, naturally working in the day just like face of the personality, behind this the dreamer & visionary, some part made up of a great strategist, then some part of a worshiper, some part of a investigative traveller, some part which maintains & increases the friend circle & the sphere of knowledge, public contact, information, some part of a party-man, shrewd, the all know one, a well communicator, the macho-man, the gentle one, the superficial, the deep one, the struggler, the settled one, the invader, the offender, the defender, the thrower, the catcher, the imposer, the executive, the bearer, the humourist, the lover, the hater, the king, the ordinary citizen, the disciplined one, the constructor & God knows many more..............!
Elevating oneself through something like salvation along with moksha, nirvana or enlightenment ...and grow the wings of an eagle, around ...shedding the previous, short and ordinary one ...thus one can take the great flight in the sky of success ...which is the only limit for oneself!, here are some of the captured moments of that process.
Sunday, May 06, 2012
Task completed
The formalities should be maintained now while dealing with the organization as I had started while introducing myself to the organization & the better part of it also.
Now, this's the beginning of the saying bye-bye to the present organization & its better part. My task has been completed. The great preparation has been over for now. Should keep this preparatory part hidden under the tight lips & my actions would only speak.
Now, this's the fully developed male personality of mine, rather it's the superior personality beyond any material things & attachment.
Now I've to do only mental adjustments, plannings & disciplining the brain.
And the next step is going various places doing various jobs, talks & works -luxuriously.
Here begins the (intellectual) work & the luxury life -of course!