Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I have got a dream. OK ! That's not a great thing. Coz anyone else can have it. But I've the formula to achieve that dream. The formula , that's great & not the dream itself. The dreams are always great. Isn't it ? So , I've got the formula of success. It's the precious thing & not even myself.

Using the formula , I can & actually have drawn a super-plan. I've to merely act or work as the super-plan orders to do. In that sense , I'm only a worker , the chief executive , the chief trustee or say the prime-minister of my own constitution.

I've to protect the whole things from the intruders.

OK ! This much is sufficient to remind me of the super-plan. Now , I've to go & work according to its orders.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


_______And thus I Can function on multi-layers-levels-fronts - & also witchcraftry-sorcery - & many more - secret - confidencial.


I starved to near death & got the real interactions of business of the world - in the mind-heart-body&soul=one being SAKSHI above all - the real me.
-and I can write down my own destiny now .

Monday, August 29, 2011

I Am The Born ' Prasthapita ' , Whether It May Be Any Life Of Mine .

Transformational Attitude

........Everytime something goes wrong in the hands of the Creator, which it often does, He doesn't quit. He re-adjusts himself & uses the opportunity to make something else instead.........
This transformational attitude has an intrinsic & inspiring lesson of the practical life -
When life hands you lemons, make lemonade !
Why Should I Carry On
The Earthly Life ;
When I Was Created & Propelled
To Live The
Celestial Life !!!
It's A Long & Continuous Exploration
Of The Self & The World Around ,
Which Could Be Misjudged
For A Struggle .